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Package contains

Product info

  • License: Resell Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR
  • Submitted: 17/10/2018
  • Released: 17/10/2018
  • Size: 4.27 MB
  • Price: 10.00


  • Wordpress


  • Web Development & Programming

Package details

  • Png files 80
  • Jpeg/jpg files 2
  • Txt files 2
  • Words 4337
  • Zip files 1
  • Html files 2
  • Php files 4
  • Flash (swf) files 1
  • Gif files 45

Mobile Optimizer WP Plugin

Price: 10.00

Additional pages: Abbr, Acronym, Attributes, Cite, Del, Ins
Additional pages: Props
Additional pages: Cell, Merge cells, Row, Table
Additional pages: Media
Additional pages: Searchreplace
Additional pages: Fullscreen
Additional pages: Template
Additional pages: Fullpage
Additional pages: Emotions
Additional pages: Link
Additional pages: Image
Additional pages: Rule
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  • /
    • WPMobilePlugin
    • This folder is empty
    • WPMobilePlugin-PLR
      • WPMobilePlugin Files
        • WPMobilePro
          • images
            • content.png
            • footer.png
            • header.png
            • iphone.png
            • link-hover.png
            • link.png
            • save.png
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            • mobile_images
              • bg.png
              • date.png
              • header1.png
              • header2.png
              • header3.png
              • header4.png
              • header5.png
              • header6.png
              • header7.png
              • header8.png
              • header9.png
              • header10.png
              • header11.png
              • header12.png
              • hide.png
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              • link-hover1.png
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              • link-hover9.png
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              • link1.png
              • link2.png
              • link3.png
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              • link5.png
              • link6.png
              • link7.png
              • link8.png
              • link9.png
              • link10.png
              • link11.png
              • loading.jpg
              • loadingBar.gif
              • mootools-more.js
              • mootools.js
              • redirect.php
              • stars.png
              • tab-hover.png
              • tab-hover1.png
              • tab-hover2.png
              • tab-hover3.png
              • tab-hover4.png
              • tab-hover5.png
              • tab-hover6.png
              • tab-hover7.png
              • tab-hover8.png
              • tab-hover9.png
              • tab-hover10.png
              • tab-hover11.png
              • tab.png
              • tab1.png
              • tab2.png
              • tab3.png
              • tab4.png
              • tab5.png
              • tab6.png
              • tab7.png
              • tab8.png
              • tab9.png
              • tab10.png
              • tab11.png
              • twitter.png
            • mobilePro.php
            • mobile_style.css
          • tiny_mce
            • langs
              • en.js
            • plugins
              • advhr
                • css
                  • advhr.css
                • js
                  • rule.js
                • langs
                  • en_dlg.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • rule.htm
              • advimage
                • css
                  • advimage.css
                • img
                  • sample.gif
                • js
                  • image.js
                • langs
                  • en_dlg.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • image.htm
              • advlink
                • css
                  • advlink.css
                • js
                  • advlink.js
                • langs
                  • en_dlg.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • link.htm
              • advlist
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • autolink
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • autoresize
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • autosave
                • langs
                  • en.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • bbcode
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • contextmenu
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • directionality
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • emotions
                • img
                  • smiley-cool.gif
                  • smiley-cry.gif
                  • smiley-embarassed.gif
                  • smiley-foot-in-mouth.gif
                  • smiley-frown.gif
                  • smiley-innocent.gif
                  • smiley-kiss.gif
                  • smiley-laughing.gif
                  • smiley-money-mouth.gif
                  • smiley-sealed.gif
                  • smiley-smile.gif
                  • smiley-surprised.gif
                  • smiley-tongue-out.gif
                  • smiley-undecided.gif
                  • smiley-wink.gif
                  • smiley-yell.gif
                • js
                  • emotions.js
                • langs
                  • en_dlg.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • emotions.htm
              • example
                • img
                  • example.gif
                • js
                  • dialog.js
                • langs
                  • en.js
                  • en_dlg.js
                • dialog.htm
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • example_dependency
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • fullpage
                • css
                  • fullpage.css
                • js
                  • fullpage.js
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                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • fullpage.htm
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                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • fullscreen.htm
              • iespell
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • inlinepopups
                • skins
                  • clearlooks2
                    • img
                      • alert.gif
                      • button.gif
                      • buttons.gif
                      • confirm.gif
                      • corners.gif
                      • horizontal.gif
                      • vertical.gif
                    • window.css
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • template.htm
              • insertdatetime
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • layer
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • legacyoutput
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • lists
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • media
                • css
                  • media.css
                • js
                  • embed.js
                  • media.js
                • langs
                  • en_dlg.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • media.htm
                • moxieplayer.swf
              • nonbreaking
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • noneditable
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • pagebreak
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • paste
                • js
                  • pastetext.js
                  • pasteword.js
                • langs
                  • en_dlg.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • pastetext.htm
                • pasteword.htm
              • preview
                • jscripts
                  • embed.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • example.html
                • preview.html
              • print
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • save
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • searchreplace
                • css
                  • searchreplace.css
                • js
                  • searchreplace.js
                • langs
                  • en_dlg.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • searchreplace.htm
              • spellchecker
                • css
                  • content.css
                • img
                  • wline.gif
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • style
                • css
                  • props.css
                • js
                  • props.js
                • langs
                  • en_dlg.js
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • props.htm
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                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • table
                • css
                  • cell.css
                  • row.css
                  • table.css
                • js
                  • cell.js
                  • merge_cells.js
                  • row.js
                  • table.js
                • langs
                  • en_dlg.js
                • cell.htm
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • merge_cells.htm
                • row.htm
                • table.htm
              • template
                • css
                  • template.css
                • js
                  • template.js
                • langs
                  • en_dlg.js
                • blank.htm
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • template.htm
              • visualchars
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • wordcount
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
              • xhtmlxtras
                • css
                  • attributes.css
                  • popup.css
                • js
                  • abbr.js
                  • acronym.js
                  • attributes.js
                  • cite.js
                  • del.js
                  • element_common.js
                  • ins.js
                • langs
                  • en_dlg.js
                • abbr.htm
                • acronym.htm
                • attributes.htm
                • cite.htm
                • del.htm
                • editor_plugin.js
                • editor_plugin_src.js
                • ins.htm
            • themes
              • advanced
                • img
                  • colorpicker.jpg
                  • flash.gif
                  • icons.gif
                  • iframe.gif
                  • pagebreak.gif
                  • quicktime.gif
                  • realmedia.gif
                  • shockwave.gif
                  • trans.gif
                  • video.gif
                  • windowsmedia.gif
                • js
                  • about.js
                  • anchor.js
                  • charmap.js
                  • color_picker.js
                  • image.js
                  • link.js
                  • source_editor.js
                • langs
                  • en.js
                  • en_dlg.js
                • skins
                  • default
                    • img
                      • buttons.png
                      • items.gif
                      • menu_arrow.gif
                      • menu_check.gif
                      • progress.gif
                      • tabs.gif
                    • content.css
                    • dialog.css
                    • ui.css
                  • highcontrast
                    • content.css
                    • dialog.css
                    • ui.css
                  • o2k7
                    • img
                      • button_bg.png
                      • button_bg_black.png
                      • button_bg_silver.png
                    • content.css
                    • dialog.css
                    • ui.css
                    • ui_black.css
                    • ui_silver.css
                • about.htm
                • anchor.htm
                • charmap.htm
                • color_picker.htm
                • editor_template.js
                • editor_template_src.js
                • image.htm
                • link.htm
                • shortcuts.htm
                • source_editor.htm
              • simple
                • img
                  • icons.gif
                • langs
                  • en.js
                • skins
                  • default
                    • content.css
                    • ui.css
                  • o2k7
                    • img
                      • button_bg.png
                    • content.css
                    • ui.css
                • editor_template.js
                • editor_template_src.js
            • utils
              • editable_selects.js
              • form_utils.js
              • mctabs.js
              • validate.js
            • arrow.gif
            • cross.gif
            • hs.png
            • hv.png
            • jquery.js
            • jquery.tinymce.js
            • jscolor.js
            • license.txt
            • tiny_mce.js
            • tiny_mce_popup.js
            • tiny_mce_src.js
          • mobilePro.php
          • mobile_admin.php
        • header code snippet.txt
      • WPMobilePlugin.zip
      • mobile optimizer.png

Optimize your WordPress blogs for mobile devices effortlessly using this premium designed plugin!

This plugin automatically detects mobile devices and displays an optimized version of your website with your existing content.

Compatible with every WordPress theme, it ensures seamless functionality across iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.


  • [YES] Can be used for personal use
  • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
  • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
  • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
  • [YES] Can be used to build a list
  • [YES] Can print/publish offline
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
  • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
  • [YES] Can be sold
  • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
  • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
  • [NO] Can be given away for free
  • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
  • [NO] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
  • [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
  • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights