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Package contains

Product info

  • License: Master Resell Rights
  • Terms: PU, GA, RR, MRR
  • Submitted: 15/02/2017
  • Released: 04/07/2017
  • Size: 362.09 MB
  • Price: 10.00


  • Videos, Tutorials & Courses
  • Wordpress


  • Tutorials & Trainings

Package details

  • Doc/x files 23
  • Pages 1
  • Words 464
  • Mp3 files 17
  • Duration 3634
  • Mp4 files 23
  • Duration 4613
  • Png files 59
  • Jpeg/jpg files 63
  • Txt files 23
  • Words 503
  • Html files 20

WordPress Fast Track V 2.0 Advanced

Price: 10.00

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    • WordPressFastTrackV2Adv_rr
      • Module 1 - Advanced Strategies Video Training
        • 0000-Introduction-Wordpress-Membership-Upgrade.mp4
        • 0001-Download-The-S2-Member-Plugin.mp4
        • 0002-Install-The-S2-Member-Plugin.mp4
        • 0003-Initial-Set-Up-Of-S2-Member-Overview.mp4
        • 0004-Configuring-Membership-Options-And-Settings.mp4
        • 0005-Login-Settings-Sidebar-Plugin.mp4
        • 0006-b-User-Management-Restriction-Options.mp4
        • 0007-Set-Up-JVZoo-Step-One.mp4
        • 0008-Creating-The-JVZoo-S2-Member-Integration.mp4
        • 0009-Creating-Download-Links-And-Protecting-Them.mp4
        • 0010-Creating-A-Drip-Content-Workaround-For-The-Free-Version-Of-S2-Member.mp4
        • 0011-Troubleshoting-E-Mail-Sending.mp4
        • 0012-Wordpress-Add-Ons.mp4
        • 0013-Customer-Flow-Finalizing.mp4
        • 0014-Your-Wordpress-Theme.mp4
        • 0015-Testing-Your-JVZoo-Membership.mp4
        • 0016-Conclusion.mp4
      • Module 10 - Traffic Generating Articles
        • DOC
          • A closing thought.docx
          • Advertising your way to an income.docx
          • Affiliate programs.docx
          • Banner ads vs email marketing.docx
          • Business Opportunities.docx
          • Google adwords and adsense.docx
          • Its all about income.docx
          • Pay-per-click vs Pay-per-impression.docx
          • Search engine marketing (SEM).docx
          • Show me the money.docx
        • TXT
          • A closing thought.txt
          • Advertising your way to an income.txt
          • Affiliate programs.txt
          • Banner ads vs email marketing.txt
          • Business Opportunities.txt
          • Google adwords and adsense.txt
          • Its all about income.txt
          • Pay-per-click vs Pay-per-impression.txt
          • Search engine marketing (SEM).txt
          • Show me the money.txt
      • Module 11 - Bonuses
        • Bonus 1 + 2 + 3 - Learning Center
          • articles
            • article_1.html
            • article_2.html
            • article_3.html
            • article_4.html
            • article_5.html
            • article_6.html
            • article_7.html
            • article_8.html
            • article_9.html
            • article_10.html
            • article_11.html
            • article_12.html
          • css
            • bootstrap-ie7.css
            • bootstrap.css
            • bootstrap.min.css
            • style.css
            • style_ie.css
          • fonts
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular (2).eot
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
          • images
            • video
              • cpanel.mp4
              • domainnames.mp4
              • logging.mp4
              • profile.mp4
            • 300x250.jpg
            • 650x90.jpg
            • art_btn_lc1.png
            • art_btn_lc2.png
            • art_btn_lc3.png
            • art_btn_lc4.png
            • art_btn_lc5.png
            • art_btn_lc6.png
            • art_btn_lc7.png
            • art_btn_lc8.png
            • art_btn_lc9.png
            • art_btn_lc10.png
            • art_btn_lc11.png
            • art_btn_lc12.png
            • bg1.jpg
            • bg_rept.png
            • ck_ico1.png
            • lc_img.png
            • logo.png
            • play_ico.png
            • trnc_blc.png
            • trnc_wht.png
            • vid_btn_continue.png
            • vid_btn_lc1.png
            • vid_btn_lc2.png
            • vid_btn_lc3.png
            • vid_btn_lc4.png
            • vid_btn_lc5.png
            • vid_btn_lc6.png
          • js
            • bootstrap.js
            • bootstrap.min.js
            • carousel.js
            • html5shiv.min.js
            • ie-emulation-modes-warning.js
            • ie8-responsive-file-warning.js
            • ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js
            • jquery.min.js
            • respond.min.js
          • video
            • video_1.html
            • video_2.html
            • video_3.html
            • video_4.html
          • index.html
        • Bonus 4 - 20 Call To Action Tweets
          • 20Tweets.doc
          • 20Tweets.txt
        • Bonus 5 - 10 Viral Facebook Content Posts
          • DOC
            • Post 1 - Why a blog can generate leads.docx
            • Post 2 - How to get started.docx
            • Post 3 - How to drive traffic with a blog.docx
            • Post 4 - How to use keywords.docx
            • Post 5 - Posting often.docx
            • Post 6 - Get social.docx
            • Post 7 - 3 simple steps to social promotion.docx
            • Post 8 - Promoting your blog.docx
            • Post 9 - Pulling it together.docx
            • Post 10 - Making leads work for you.docx
            • Post 11 - Landing pages.docx
            • Post 12 - Sum it up.docx
          • TXT
            • Post 1 - Why a blog can generate leads.txt
            • Post 2 - How to get started.txt
            • Post 3 - How to drive traffic with a blog.txt
            • Post 4 - How to use keywords.txt
            • Post 5 - Posting often.txt
            • Post 6 - Get social.txt
            • Post 7 - 3 simple steps to social promotion.txt
            • Post 8 - Promoting your blog.txt
            • Post 9 - Pulling it together.txt
            • Post 10 - Making leads work for you.txt
            • Post 11 - Landing pages.txt
            • Post 12 - Sum it up.txt
      • Module 12 - `WOW' Graphic Designs
        • PNG
          • WordPress Fast Track V2.jpg
          • WordPress Fast Track Video V2.jpg
          • box.png
          • box2.png
          • cd.png
          • combobox.png
          • combobox2.png
          • cover.jpg
          • dvd.png
      • Module 2 - High Quality MP3 Audio Training
        • 0000-Introduction-Wordpress-Membership-Upgrade.mp3
        • 0001-Download-The-S2-Member-Plugin.mp3
        • 0002-Install-The-S2-Member-Plugin.mp3
        • 0003-Initial-Set-Up-Of-S2-Member-Overview.mp3
        • 0004-Configuring-Membership-Options-And-Settings.mp3
        • 0005-Login-Settings-Sidebar-Plugin.mp3
        • 0006-b-User-Management-Restriction-Options.mp3
        • 0007-Set-Up-JVZoo-Step-One.mp3
        • 0008-Creating-The-JVZoo-S2-Member-Integration.mp3
        • 0009-Creating-Download-Links-And-Protecting-Them.mp3
        • 0010-Creating-A-Drip-Content-Workaround-For-The-Free-Version-Of-S2-Member.mp3
        • 0011-Troubleshoting-E-Mail-Sending.mp3
        • 0012-Wordpress-Add-Ons.mp3
        • 0013-Customer-Flow-Finalizing.mp3
        • 0014-Your-Wordpress-Theme.mp3
        • 0015-Testing-Your-JVZoo-Membership.mp3
        • 0016-Conclusion.mp3
      • Module 3 + 4 + 5 - Upsell Sales Letter & Thank You Page + Conversion Booster Upsell Sales Video
        • Sales Letter
          • css
            • bootstrap-ie7.css
            • bootstrap.css
            • bootstrap.min.css
            • style.css
            • style_ie.css
          • fonts
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular (2).eot
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
          • images
            • Thumbs.db
            • bg1.jpg
            • bg2.jpg
            • buy_btn_yellow.png
            • cart_btn.png
            • ck_ico1.png
            • ck_ico2.png
            • combobox2.png
            • logo.png
            • money_bk_img.png
            • play_ico.png
            • pro_screen_img1.jpg
            • pro_screen_img2.jpg
            • pro_screen_img3.jpg
            • pro_screen_img4.jpg
            • pro_screen_img5.jpg
            • pro_screen_img6.jpg
            • pro_screen_img7.jpg
            • pro_screen_img8.jpg
            • pro_screen_img9.jpg
            • pro_screen_img10.jpg
            • pro_screen_img11.jpg
            • pro_screen_img12.jpg
            • pro_screen_img13.jpg
            • pro_screen_img14.jpg
            • pro_screen_img15.jpg
            • pro_screen_img16.jpg
            • pro_screen_img17.jpg
            • screen_img1.jpg
            • screen_img2.jpg
            • screen_img3.jpg
            • screen_img4.jpg
            • screen_img5.jpg
            • screen_img6.jpg
            • screen_img7.jpg
            • screen_img8.jpg
            • screen_img9.jpg
            • screen_img10.jpg
            • screen_img11.jpg
            • screen_img12.jpg
            • screen_img13.jpg
            • screen_img14.jpg
            • screen_img15.jpg
            • top_alert_img.jpg
            • usr_pic.jpg
          • js
            • bootstrap.js
            • bootstrap.min.js
            • html5shiv.min.js
            • ie-emulation-modes-warning.js
            • ie8-responsive-file-warning.js
            • ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js
            • jquery.min.js
            • respond.min.js
          • salesvideo
            • upsell.mp4
          • upsell.html
        • Sales Video
          • upsell.mp4
        • Thank You
          • css
            • bootstrap-ie7.css
            • bootstrap.css
            • bootstrap.min.css
            • style.css
            • style_ie.css
          • fonts
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular (2).eot
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
            • glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
          • images
            • Thumbs.db
            • bg1.jpg
            • bg_rept.png
            • btn1.png
            • btn2.png
            • combobox.png
            • combobox2.png
            • logo.png
            • trnc_blc.png
            • trnc_wht.png
          • js
            • bootstrap.js
            • bootstrap.min.js
            • carousel.js
            • html5shiv.min.js
            • ie-emulation-modes-warning.js
            • ie8-responsive-file-warning.js
            • ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js
            • jquery.min.js
            • respond.min.js
          • tyupsell.html
      • Module 6 +7 - Stunning Upsell Graphic Designs + High Converting Banner Ads
        • Banners - Advanced
          • JPG
            • 120x60.jpg
            • 120x600.jpg
            • 125x125.jpg
            • 160x600.jpg
            • 250x250.jpg
            • 300x250.jpg
            • 336x280.jpg
            • 468x60.jpg
            • 650x90.jpg
        • E-Cover - Advanced
          • JPG_PNG
            • box.png
            • box2.png
            • cd.png
            • combobox.png
            • combobox2.png
            • cover.jpg
            • dvd.png
      • Module 8 + 9 - Instant Affiliate Promotion Center + Hard-Sell Affiliate Solo Emails
        • css
          • bootstrap-ie7.css
          • bootstrap.css
          • bootstrap.min.css
          • style.css
          • style_ie.css
        • fonts
          • glyphicons-halflings-regular (2).eot
          • glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
          • glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
          • glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
          • glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
        • images
          • 120x60.jpg
          • 120x600.jpg
          • 125x125.jpg
          • 160x600.jpg
          • 250x250.jpg
          • 300x250.jpg
          • 336x280.jpg
          • 468x60.jpg
          • 650x90.jpg
          • Thumbs.db
          • bg1.jpg
          • bg_rept.png
          • combobox.png
          • logo.png
          • trnc_blc.png
          • trnc_wht.png
        • js
          • bootstrap.js
          • bootstrap.min.js
          • carousel.js
          • html5shiv.min.js
          • ie-emulation-modes-warning.js
          • ie8-responsive-file-warning.js
          • ie10-viewport-bug-workaround.js
          • jquery.min.js
          • respond.min.js
        • index.html
      • desktop.ini

Upgrade Your Skills and Expertise with Advanced Video Training! The Complete Step-by-Step Video Series!

If you have been using WordPress to build stunning websites for a while, then upgrading your skills is indeed necessary. As technology advances rapidly, you need to keep up.

If you are seeking advanced WordPress resources to elevate your abilities, then this product package has great news for you.

What you are about to receive is a series of step-by-step Advanced WordPress tutorials that you can start using today.

Below are the modules included:

  • Module 1 - Advanced Strategies Video Training
  • Module 2 - High-Quality MP3 Audio Training
  • Module 3 + 4 + 5 - Upsell Sales Letter and Thank You Page + Conversion Booster Upsell Sales Video
  • Module 6 + 7 - Stunning Upsell Graphic Designs + High-Converting Banner Ads
  • Module 8 + 9 - Instant Affiliate Promotion Center + Hard-Sell Affiliate Solo Emails
  • Module 10 - Traffic Generating Articles
  • Module 11 - Bonuses
  • Module 12 - 'WOW' Graphic Designs


  • [YES] Can be used for personal use
  • [YES] Can be packaged with other products
  • [YES] Can modify/change the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be added into paid membership websites
  • [YES] Can put your name on the sales letter
  • [YES] Can be offered as a bonus
  • [YES] Can be used to build a list
  • [YES] Can print/publish offline
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights
  • [YES] Can convey and sell Resale Rights
  • [YES] Can be translated to other languages
  • [YES] Can be sold
  • [NO] Can modify/change the main product
  • [NO] Can modify/change the graphics and ecover
  • [NO] Can be given away for free
  • [NO] Can be added to free membership websites
  • [NO] Can convey and sell Master Resale Rights
  • [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights